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The Love of Learning-My McNair Experience

October 26th, 2023

Beginning my McNair experience

When I became a McNair scholar, I immediately told my loved ones. I was so excited that I had achieved such a high honor, and that it set me apart and acknowledged that I worked hard despite the obstacles I’ve faced. As it’s difficult to completely explain all the opportunities, mentorship, and assistance that McNair offers, I simply referred to it as my “scholarship program” when speaking with my family and friends. Often, other people don’t understand the work I do as part of the McNair and psychology program. Our work as students is complex, especially if others aren’t familiar with information in our chosen field. Often, when I’m discussing school with my loved ones, I only focus on my accomplishments because I believe it’s the only thing that others will be interested in and understand. It’s common for me to tell my family “I have straight A’s” or “I was accepted to a scholarship program due to my good performance in school,”-but much less common to discuss with them specific things I’ve learned in class. When I do, I can tell that they’re trying their best, but their vacant expression shows that they’re not connecting with me as much as they do when I discuss accomplishments. As a nontraditional student who is 27 years old and a transfer student, I don’t have many peers that I’ve connected with at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, so I don’t often get the chance to discuss my work in casual conversation. This, I believe, is an experience that other students have as well.

Why we pursue this

However, I’ve discovered that I have a true passion and interest in learning for the sake of learning. I enjoy the process of going to class, listening to lectures, taking notes, watching videos on course material, and reading the textbook because I want to know more about my field and the world around me. I genuinely love the field of psychology and learning about psychological theories, concepts, and treatments. When I am in class, completely engaged and learning, I am not thinking about accomplishment and achievement. I am thinking about exactly what I am being taught at the moment and how this will apply while I’m pursuing a career in clinical psychology and mental health counseling. I think this is something all students would benefit from focusing on. We get so caught up in focusing on our grades, our GPA, expectations from others, and academic achievement that we forget why we are here. I am a student because I love to learn, and I love to synthesize information that will help me in my present and future career. I am not a student because I need to prove to others that I am an intelligent and high-achieving individual. I am not a McNair scholar because I’m an excellent student and want to show others that I’m being recognized for my academic prowess. I am a McNair scholar because McNair will provide opportunities and assistance to continue doing what I love-developing experience and knowledge as a future clinical therapist.

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